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57K props, 2K posts

Good Vigilantes! Bad Vigilantes! 2 me a Vigilante is a Vigilante. If your brother was a crack head of course you wouldn't want him in your house. But could you afford to let your enemy taste his blood? Call this madness if you will. But answer the question if you dare! We're not good or evil we're neither hero nor villain. We all play both sides. Forget the messenger & remember the message. Vigilantes will 1 day soon dominate Urbanville. Sure we can have our groups or organizations. But from this point on any Vigilante seeking assistance I & if I must alone defend you. I'll do it down 2 the last prop. Goatfist is coming will we be forced 2 join the heroes or the Villains? or do we stand strong as Vigilantes without consequences! 2 further advance our goal as being the best disposition. Vigilantes must become UNTOUCHABLE. Many will say we don't have the teeth to make this happen. But everytime I look up I see a new vigilante. True Vigilantes speak now & this will become VIGILANTE LAW!!!

3K props, 13 posts

& this turned out to be prophetic ... Vigilantes rule Urbania!!!

57K props, 2K posts


Thank you 2 all who've supported Vigilantes & the Vigilante cause. Those of u who now call yourselves Vigilantes must b prepared 2 travle a difficult road. To u I am very gratefull. Many will join our ranks when things are going well...

But 2 come & stand along side us when things are tough & odds r against us is a very noble act. I promise each of u the same loyalty that you've shown 2 us in return. I am a Vigilante & I shall die assisting and working with my fellow brothers & sisters.

I'd like 2 warn & prepare u before u move forward. Many will start as Vigilantes or temporarily join our ranks but very few of u will serve the Vigilante disposition untill the end. As Vigilantes u will have 2 prepare yourselves 4 betrayal & abandonment.

I was once told by an associate of the Goat not 2 underestimate the power of Evil.
I should of listened...

But now I have something 2 tell him.

*****The Vigilante*****

507 props, 1 posts

Go vigilantes!!!!

32K props, 10K posts

we rule

57K props, 1K posts

we are not fence riders we do what is needed to bring justice, may it be against evil or those who say they are good, I will never waver, never falter in my persuit of justice, true diddoe when people see things are going good they join us but when the tide turns where will they go, I have always seen what opposition has done to people in their time of need, and it isn't pretty but for those of us who truely understand, we need to remain steadfast in our beliefs

57K props, 2K posts

Well said bigdan!

Vigilantes now is the time to stand up and act.
It's time for us to represent who we are!

Being a Vigilante is about dieing for what you believe in... Even when the world is against you.

Many of you were'nt around when the Vigilante group 1st began. But believe me we were hated by both sides. Many of our members were snatched away by the other 2 more powerfull groups.
(heroes & villains)

We eventually overcame them with dedication & hard work. We became the largest most active group in Urbanville... but unfortunately we fell short on living up to a few of our key principles.


LOYALTY will be key in regaining our position as the best group in Urbanville.

I've watched as some of our best were MANipulated and Corrupted. Because of this, I'm well aware that many of you will follow. But there will be a rare few that won't waiver, & they will prove themselves to be...


*****The Vigil

57K props, 2K posts

Let's work on making our forum a cool place guys!

Everybody get your post count up stay logged on and let's try to win this War!

Mad Propz! :D

*****The Vigilante*****

51K props, 1K posts

Those who allow themselves to be manipulated and corrupted and are no longer vigilantes were never vigilantes and will not be missed.
No one ever built a ship out of dead wood and as a group we will continue to build and grow stronger in their absence.

57K props, 1K posts

true Muckqaiker we must not falter and there are people who build ships out of dead wood they are known as idiots

57K props, 2K posts

Greetings once again my fellow Vigilantes,

I'd like 2 extend a warm welcome & thanks 2 our newer comrade's. Because of u many of our older members have regained the will 2 fight.
Because of u many of the doubters are beginning 2 believe once again.

I believe part of our decline as an organization had a lot 2 do with our growth & how we rose above the rest. We used friendship & helped one another along 2 build a strong community of Vigilantes. Unfortunately like in life sometimes friendships fade & new bonds begin 2 develop.

So this time I want it 2 be absolutley clear for the new breed of Vigilantes that enter our ranks. You will make plenty of new friends by becoming a Vigilante but that is NOT what our group is about.

Our group is about dieng for what u believe in & about sacraficing self for your beliefs. Being a Vigilante is about Honor, Dedication & Loyalty. Many of you will be persuaded to leave, but those that stay will embody the very essence of Vigilantism.

15 props, 4 posts

i completely agree we will domminate.. all the vigilantes will br remebered as the greatest of all time and we will dominate remeber the law long live vigilantes!!!

15 props, 4 posts

long live vigilantes!
*** clapping.. whoooh whooh**

456 props, 2 posts


206 props, 12 posts

I am a NOOB to the extreme on this site... I do not know what i am doing. One thing i knew right after i joined was the disposition... an obvious choice to become a vigilante. The first thing i have done after becoming one was come straight to the forums to gain insight(i mean i read all the stuff about the site and stuff) and now i know why vigilates are truly a special disposition. as a noob i am going to learn alot and hope for help from all of you, i will go and ask to join as a cadet on teh other thread.
but know, i am a new now, but soon i will become another dedicated member for this uprising.
i have read the whole thread here and... well... attempted to read the whole "vigilantes" thread... its 2:28 a.m. i cant do that. but i understand what you... we are, and what our movement is about... i am happy to introduce myself as a new vigilante and hopefully soon to be new recruit to the movement and uprising.

*I support vigilantes*

i will

206 props, 12 posts

...join the cadets after a become a bit stronger

3K props, 329 posts

welcome Ivan, your enthusiasm is pleasing indeed, we need more cadets/vigilantes like yourself.

57K props, 2K posts

No army can stop an idea who's time has come.

~Victor Hugo

57K props, 2K posts

Greetings Vigilantes,

The threads you see here, were created over two years ago.

The objective was to get Vigilantes to stand together as brothers and sisters.

The heroes and villains were very powerful when we first began as a group. They prepared and recruited just about every Urb for this Epic battle between good and evil...

The Mayor and The Goat.

There also existed a rare breed Urbaniacs. This was a small group of men and women, boys and girls. They were known as Vigilantes.

This group was rediculed and called names like fence sitters, Vegis and worse.

Despite all the name calling and the lies that were spread about this group. They continued to grow and treat one another like one of their own. This group eventually became the largest most active group in Urbanville.

We even to this day trust neither The Mayor or the Goat. It is our job to watch their actions and hold them accountable.


57K props, 2K posts

As time passed many of our members gave up their committment to represent Vigilantism. Many key members became villains and heroes. This is why it's important for me to tell you this...

We don't recruit members of other organizations to join us. We wait untill they recognize what we're about. Vigilantism is about dieing for what you believe in.

Do you believe in Vigilantism?

Only time will tell...
Look through the threads and see the Vigilantes who represented Vigilantism since the very beginning. There are but a few who are still around. Some come to Urbanville and leave and some just switch dispositions.

This is just a game so it's all in fun. But how many of you feel about Vigilantism like I do?
I started this game as a Vigilante and I will surely end it as a Vigilante.

When you become a strong Vigilante will you turn your back on those that first helped you?
Or will you give back to those who accepted you as you were, when you first arrived.

6K props, 461 posts

seriously very nice speech
i'm actually in total agreeance (if thats a word) with you

i will stand behind Vigilance in urbanville until i stop completely.

18K props, 241 posts

Nice speech Diddoe, the best you have ever spoken.

*stands up and claps, then wipes a tear from eye*

6K props, 530 posts

Thats One Of the best speeches i've heard in my life, seriously.. and the song makes it really sad. it sort of brought visions of the early days back :)
But as well as diddoe i started as a vigilante and i will sure end as one !

* Hands morph a tissue and wipes my eyes with one too *

Thankyou to all the vigi's who have helped me this past year and for many years to come :)

* wipes tears that are rolling down cheek *

33K props, 2K posts

That was a great speech. One reason why, I think, a lot of people either don't choose to be a Vigi or they leave us is because they don't understand what a Vigi REALLY is! How many people here think that Vigis "kick butt from both sides" or are "fence sitters"? These ill-informed individuals are giving us a sort of bad rap.

Maybe if people understood that Vigis are heroes that just don't follow the guidelines of the law (sometimes you need to break one or two to get the bad guy, or you need to give them a taste of their own proverbial medicine), they'd see us for the good people we really are.

557 props, 10 posts


228 props, 49 posts

diddoe ur speach was just like a onion mademe feel so good it jus brought a tear 2 mi eye *crying&laughing*
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