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6K props, 133 posts

I hate to be bad cop here, but it breaks my heart to see users giving out their passwords and then having all their stuff stolen. So this is a friendly reminder:

Do not give out your password! To anyone! Ever!

Do not ever ever ever ever give your password to anyone! Not me, not the Mayor, not your brother, cousin, friend, uncle, aunt, Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, Presiden Obabma, definitely not President Bush, the boogey man, Denzel Washington, Adam Sandler or your mom (no not even your mom...or mine). Urbaniacs staff will never ask for your password. Anyone who wants your password only wants it to do evil things with it. No matter what anyone says, do not give out your password. You will probably have your urbos stolen and your gear sold for scrap. If you give out your password and you lose all of your stuff we might not be able to get it back for you. Be smart, stay funky and keep those passwords a secret from EVERYONE!

6K props, 133 posts


Be smart about the passwords you choose. The following passwords are NOT A GOOD IDEA:

using your username
using your first or last name

Do not use anything that can be guessed. I keep getting urbgrams and emails saying some user "hacked" my account. They didn't hack your account, they figured out your password or you gave it to them or you gave it to someone else who gave it away.

2) Create a password that cannot be guessed

If you want to change your password, email [email protected] from the email account you use for urbaniacs and I will help you change your password.


146K props, 22K posts

But...It's DENZEL!!!!!

What if he gives me the sexy look???? *swoons*

6K props, 133 posts

You're not helping my cause Affy ;)

146K props, 22K posts

Sorry! I agree with DeBug...

Also remember to SIGN OUT especially if you are using a public computer because all a person has to do is hit the back button and have access to your account.

Also a cool formula to use when choosing your password is to use some numbers and some capital letters. :) Make a sentence...




33K props, 2K posts

lol @ Affy, but she's got a point, as does DeBug. People, you've GOT to make passwords complicated. That's why they show up as ****** and not what you're actually typing--so they stay secret!

What I want to know is, why is it that only newbies are getting "hacked"?? We have plenty of well-established players that are young, so it can't be an age-thing....

9K props, 2K posts

well they might have asked someone to train them if they were going to be away for a while, and that person eventually cleaned them out.

33K props, 2K posts

Yeah, but only newbies?? How many older Urbs have taken hiatus at some point, even recently? Why aren't any of us targeted? Wouldn't you think that someone with, say, a BWareboy would be more of a target than someone with an UrboSaber as their best item?

146K props, 22K posts

I've trained other people...It's not that...

Sometimes we find that the younger players tell each other their passwords for items or to prove that they don't have something.

That's insanity. I've even seen a case where a cousin told someone else his cousin's password for a cheaper price on hammer pants...

So, someone is snitching and the fact that it's our newer/younger members shows that it isn't a site problem...

Something is wrong on THEIR end which is why if your items are stolen, you will NOT get them back.

5K props, 1K posts

dont share paswords!

6K props, 133 posts

Affy, you read my mind. You know I secretly have a crush on you. :D

10K props, 4K posts

it's not a secret no more debug lol

19K props, 2K posts

Hmm... My brother knows my pass but he only knew due to it was my old myspace pass... I think ill change it to...

1K props, 547 posts

WHO SHARES TWIXES! certainly not me anyway. But yes never give out yer passy

10K props, 454 posts

My password is Diamante123

(I wonder if there's someone "bad" enough to try it :D)
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