*STARTING JANUARY* I will check the standing a total of 4 times per month. Each time I check it i will award a certain amount of points to everyone listed. At the end of the month the top three players with the most points awarded by me wins a prize! How points are earned. 1st time I check the standings: -the top ten of each category will receive points in the following way 1st- 10pts 2nd- 9pts and so on, until 1 point. 2nd and the rest of the times I check the standings: -If you placed top ten in any category the previous time, but you dropped down a spot or more, you will lose the amount of points corresponding to that category. If you gained a higher spot, you get awarded the points corresponding Example: First check 1. Bob-10pts 2. John-9pts 3. Doe-8pts 4. Jane-7pts 5. and so on- Second check 1. John-10pts (he now has 19pts) 2. Bob- (minus 2 points) now has 8pts If Bob land on 3 it would be minus 3 points, and so on. Any questions? Ideas? Comments? | ||