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Welcome to the Urbanville Forums. This is a place where players can help each other and discuss life as an Urbaniac. Its goal is to allow all Urbaniacs to exchange information about the site, the games and how they feel. NEVER POST ANY PERSONAL INFORAMATION! Urbaniacs will not be hold responsible for any damages due to any user publishing their private information. We encourage open communication, however we urge users to avoid topics such as religion, politics, and sexual content. Any post or topic that is deemed inappropriate will be removed by our side admin. Any rude, violent, or insulting word or expression will be deleted. If you want to SPAM, please use the SPAM forum. Any kind of spamming message in other forums may be deleted. This was made by Mayor a while back in the newbies forum, but I've seen a lot of this stuff from many urbs currently. Keep these guidelines in mind because stuff like this wont be tolerated. URB ON! and Keep it FUNKY! | ||