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16K props, 5K posts

In the middle of a snow fight, the Face crew are pinned down by the bear crew! The bear crew are stronger and bigger than the face crew, so the FC need to pull something massive!

TSF:We need to get around there fortress of snow!

Gagiti:Watch out King fighter! *Pulls KF out of the way*

King_Fighter:Thanks! I nearly got hit! Thanks Gagiti!

TSF:Where are the others! We need them right now! They know there is a snow fight, they must be here!

King_Fighter: I can see a cloud in the distance! That must be them!

22K props, 3K posts

(Sup RaD :D)

*Stubborn mode* Your mean D: You big dam meanie!!!!
I wanna get down, if u let me down i will never ever do a tantrum again
*thinking to self* H

22K props, 3K posts

(Sup RaD :D)

*Stubborn mode* Your mean D: You big dam meanie!!!!
I wanna get down, if u let me down i will never ever do a tantrum again
*thinking to self* H

22K props, 3K posts

(Sup RaD :D)

*Stubborn mode* Your mean D: You big dam meanie!!!!
I wanna get down, if u let me down i will never ever do a tantrum again
*thinking to self* H

22K props, 3K posts

(eek i pressed backspace 3 times and it posted 3 times soz about that n now i will carry on xD)

He'll never think i'm lying! Mwuahahaha

26K props, 12K posts

*sees jodie squirming and swaring*


Whats with the fowl language jodie?

*unties her*

I'm not a meanie! I saved you from a bear, I saved FC from the room and I even gave my LIFE for this crew! IS THAT BEING A MEANIE?!?!?!?!?!?

22K props, 3K posts

*sees 1 last bear come behind Gagi* Gagi i'll save u! *in a superhero dramtic voice*
*Runs towards Gagi in slow motion*

Gagi: What the?...
*I jump past her in slow motion and kicks the bear, also in slow motion* Mwuahahaha (in slow motion)

Tsf and axe: how does she do that? O.o

MD: has she been on the energy drinks again?

Me: Yeppers *shooves snow into bears mouth* SWALLOW BEAR SWALLOW!

26K props, 12K posts

You were crying and standing still. I tied you to a tree so you could calm down. If you just stayed there a bear could've eaten you or stomped on or something. I dont want that to appen. You're my friend.

26K props, 12K posts


Hey wait. Why am I hiding?

*gets up*

*sees TSF's face*

*girly scream* AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

*hides again*

Oh ya thats why!

26K props, 12K posts


Maybe we can get TSF to make snowballs so we can throw them. We can tell him the bears burned his comics so TSF will think its revenge and help us!

630 props, 432 posts

Me: Works for me XD. YO TSF

TSF: Whats the dealio

Me: The bears just burned all yer barbie comics.


*TSF rapidlys throws snowballs at the bear crew who is now falling to the ground.*

Axe: Well... That worked :D

26K props, 12K posts

*high five*

I'm awesome!

630 props, 432 posts

Me: Hehe

22K props, 3K posts

Me: sing barbie song!

Axe: What? O.o

Gagi: i think i know what she means!

Me: Hi Barbie! Hi Ken! Wanna come for a ride? Sure Ken! Jump in!
Ima barbie girl, in a barbie world life in plastic it's fantastic! *carries on singing*

26K props, 12K posts

*TSF calms down*


What happened?


We beat the bears


WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

26K props, 12K posts

*falls in snow and laughs*

*pulls everyone else down*

*makes a snowangle*

*gets up*


*makes a snowball*

Now lets have a good old fashion snowball fight. Just us FC members!

*starts throwing balls*

630 props, 432 posts

Me: Yeah. Can't wait for our scheduled trip to the mall next week XD (Inside Joke :P)

*falls into snow and makes angels*

26K props, 12K posts

Next week?! Away man!

16K props, 5K posts

TSF: Well that was a great fight!

Mandude:Lets escape from here.

Axe: *Clicks fingers* *Helicopter appears*

Gagiti:How did you?

Jodie: Remember he was a agent..*Gives cookies to every1*

*FC get into the Helicopter and go back to urbanvile*


630 props, 432 posts

*Not in real life and I suppose you want me to make it now eh ok then*
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