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1K props, 452 posts

Maybe Os will talk to me if I make it public.

Here's the deets:

Os was my homey when he was on his old account, but then he got hacked, and now he pretty much hates me.

Here's the urbogram conversation:

I said:

What's up os?

We were homeys a few weeks ago and now you hate me?

Why can't we still be friends?

I don't understand what is wrong. I mean, you got this new account, and now you don't return any props and I'm on your diss list?

He said:
listen you dum sh*t dont talk to me you ZERO...

This is all copied and pasted from my inbox, and he won't talk to me at all. Like 2 or 3 weeks ago we were strollin' along fine, and now he's cussing at me.

I just don't get it.

On his page is a diss list with me on it.

I was hoping that if I put this public he might post some more cuss words so I could figure out what was up.

Any help?
What did I do, Os?

1K props, 452 posts

By the way, Os is Osmeliio

3K props, 548 posts

I think its because ur a hero and he just turned villan i mean i was a vigi last month and now im a villan but i dont treat my old vigi homies or any other homies like that just because i changed dispo

1K props, 452 posts

Well, I expected a little bit of competition, but not cussing and diss lists...

53K props, 6K posts

Wow dude SFB wtf you made a thread about this... First of all everyone you were the first one to add me as your enemy..
second you are to noisy and you bother too much... NOONE LIKES YOU you bother too much.. now you get it that why i dont talk yo you

1K props, 452 posts

Why did you add me as a homey and like me as a hero then?

I already told you, I wasn't being mean by adding you as my arch, it's like a role-playing thing, you're a villain, I'm a hero, we aren't homeys, we're arches.

I made a thread because I knew you would speak out instead of giving me 1 sentence with cuss words in it.

Too noisy? Bother too much? Maybe I do that stuff in spam forums or when I'm trash talkin' but not regularly.

So you cuss at me because I added you as an enemy and I am...too noisy?

53K props, 6K posts

No just cause i dont like you .........

1K props, 452 posts

So, you just throw the s word around at whoever you don't like?

I liked you better as a hero.

53K props, 6K posts

even as a hero I DONT LIKE You.

533 props, 199 posts

seconded =p zero noob

35K props, 4K posts

Publicly posting grams and airing business between two individuals, one of which obviously doesn't want anything to do with the other, is not going to help the situation.

And if Os doesn't like you simply because you are a zero, not someone I would worry about anyway.

Sometimes we all get so involved in the evil/good characters we forget that above all we are a community of friends who are all here for FUN and to keep the site FUNKY!!!

Sorry there was a falling out in your friendship, sounds like it might be best to just move on....


19K props, 2K posts

Wow I just gained more respect about os :D.. woot woot tell him os!


1K props, 452 posts

Well, when someone replies in cuss words and doesn't talk to me, things must be done.

I get where you are coming from, Goddess. I just knew he would try and respond publicly because he would want to try and prove me wrong and would try to show everyone how lame of a zero I was.

I just wanted to engage in conversation, I wanted for Os to tell me why he suddenly had a burning hate for me after we were just friends. I don't usually dislike some of people because they are villains, but because of their personality. Even if that were true, I don't post people on my page and say to diss them.

I also agree with you that sometimes all of us go too far in the whole dispo role playing idea, even the best of us.

I still haven't the slightest clue why Osmeliio wants my props to be in the negative, but I guess I just got to face the fact he either lacks communication skills or doesn't know how to use them.

Os just said, "even as a hero I DONT LIKE You", but he DID like me as a hero.


7K props, 1K posts

Inter-dispo competitivity is great for the Urbo-Wars and in the Smack Talking threads, but there's really no need for anyone to be abusive or generally unpleasant to someone because of their disposition.

Plenty of heroes and villains have semi-friendly relationships with each other on Urb, because that's part of the fun. We don't like true enmity here.

Even if you genuinely despise someone, just ignore them. Failing that, explain what your problem is and try to solve it together.

Remember, Urbaniacs is, above all, a social, fun, community-based game, which everyone has the right to have fun on, without having to put with abuse/ problems/ general meany-ness

Let's all be happy :)

7K props, 1K posts


I can't see me loving nobody but Urb
For all my life
When I'm on Urb, baby the skies'll be blue
For all my life


1K props, 452 posts

Haha funky...

The point of this thread was to resolve something, but there's obviously no fix to this one. Just time to drop it.

Burn this thread to da ground

33K props, 6K posts

Perhaps Os was friends with you because he didn't know you yet.
I get the feeling when people DO get to know you, they don't want to.
You seem like a rude try hard version of Poindexter. Dex was cool (probably still is) even when he was grating on ya nerves. You, on the other hand, I find to be a complete nonce.

7K props, 1K posts

Heehee, nonce :)

17K props, 6K posts

Os sucks. Swore at me and told me I couldn't sing and he could do better. When I challenged him to make his own account, he said he would get back to me when he had.
SURPRISINGLY, I'm still waiting on that urbogram(:

7K props, 1K posts

Is Os gonna be a new Cold? 'Cause that'd be fun, although somewhat unpleasant for Os...

17K props, 6K posts

Also -

"I don't usually dislike some of people because they are villains, but because of their personality."

Quoted from YOU SFB.
I think you answered your own question there.

1K props, 452 posts

Yeah, except then I was talking to Goddess about dispos then.

Maybe he didn't like my personality, but I thought we might be able to talk about it and at least leave on a resolved note.
Apparently not.

This is already kinda confusing, I'm just gonna drop Os. Not much you can do about this situation but to just drop it.

Oh, and Kiki, I'm a singer/guitarist, too. :D

*Pulls out bullhorn*

1K props, 452 posts

Oh, and Kiki, if that urbogram ever comes, I so have to see that video! :D

53K props, 6K posts

dude it not cause your a hero is cause you bother too much... that the problem.... i agree with dudeman

53K props, 6K posts

dude it not cause your a hero is cause you bother too much... that the problem.... i agree with dudeman

53K props, 6K posts

i used to like you as an urb .... i used to help you out and i gave you items an stuff but then you get annoying and stuf bothering me talking about other people and why you dont like. Sorry to say htis but i dont care about your problems with other people.. if you dont like them gram them or something
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