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35K props, 4K posts

With all the cross forum posting and taunting going on between the Villains and zeroes, the expected throw downs are being sent, yet the results are less than inspiring.

Admittedly _kingz_ got lucky and stunned me then killed my sucka so props to you for manning up and actually doing the TD.

So for those that don't show, are challenged and then "mysteriously" disappear, or those who have the lamest excuses, post them here.

If you are gonna talk the talk, then walk the walk.

If you are stupid enough to challenge a urb of lesser stats and then complain about them not showing up. You deserve the disses you will receive.

Goddess the Wicked Hotness


3K props, 548 posts

I won another battle so i guess it did happen this time Bigdan i believe thats


57K props, 1K posts

gloat while you can zero it wont last long

35K props, 4K posts

So whats up with the no sidekick and no confusion items?

Against a player you are stronger than no less??

Nice heroic effort there ding dong...

3K props, 548 posts

Well most people don't fight against people with a health sucking sidekick because if u dont have 1 then no matter how strong u are u are most likely going to get beat and also the second time i beat him with his Sucka so there still 2-0

16K props, 5K posts

Hmmm...Looks like you don't get it goddess_de_NOTHING your villains are falling down like little flies. I think you should back down.

99K props, 1K posts

Really I think I'm doing very well. We'll leave the backing down to the heroes

35K props, 4K posts

Maybe you should read a little farther back in the thread you gnat. Chaza beat ONE villain with idiotic rules...

However several of your zero brethren were slaughtered last night while you were tucked up with your woobie.

Chaza was a no show when I challenged him, think he has found his 'nads yet?

57K props, 1K posts

thing is i didnt back down like you zeros have a habit of doing

3K props, 548 posts

Fine il fight ya and i beat Bigdan the second time with him using his Sucka you can even ask him

16K props, 5K posts

Try and fight a hero WITHIN your stats.

3K props, 548 posts

Yeah exactly thats why i dont like people using health sucking sidekicks because without them you CAN'T beat me Goddess

3K props, 548 posts

How about a battle me and Tsf vs You and Bigdan over there goddess?

35K props, 4K posts

I don't fight urbs that can't compete within my stats, that is a zeroes way NOT mine.

However, in the rare occurrence in which it is deserved I will tear apart someone who has earned it and they know full well why.

3K props, 548 posts

Well looks like Shadow can't fight just now he said he'll do it tommorrow but.

35K props, 4K posts


35K props, 4K posts

> The battle is ON!
> ChazaBoy looks left, then looks right... goddess_de_nocturne has them surrounded with MULTIPLICITY and takes turns pounding ChazaBoy. ChazaBoy loses 219 health.
ChazaBoy: Gonna not use that Sucka it just get really annoyin
> ChazaBoy tried to attack goddess_de_nocturne, but their Sucka jumped in front and took 188 damage. goddess_de_nocturne's poor Sucka is down!
ChazaBoy: Well hes dead now
goddess_de_nocturne: lol not my fault you lacking a side kick
> goddess_de_nocturne attacked ChazaBoy and did 193 damage.
> ChazaBoy hits goddess_de_nocturne with some sonic tunes from their Man Boombox for 328 damage
> goddess_de_nocturne attacked ChazaBoy and did 184 damage. ChazaBoy is confused by goddess_de_nocturne's C-U Sabe-her.
> ChazaBoy is confused and attacked ChazaBoy for 182 damage.
ChazaBoy: You'll Probably win this 1
goddess_de_nocturne: really shouldn't hurt yourself sweets, its only a TD
ChazaBoy: just because u confused me there
goddess_de_nocturne: lol Ya Think?
goddess_de_nocturne: oh my bad ....lmao
> ChazaBoy looks left, then looks right... goddess_de_nocturne has them surrounded with MULTIPLICITY and takes turns pounding ChazaBoy. ChazaBoy loses 390 health.
ChazaBoy: Well it was even until u confused me
> ChazaBoy hits goddess_de_nocturne with some sonic tunes from their Man Boombox for 201 damage
goddess_de_nocturne: not hardly
goddess_de_nocturne: night night ZERO
> goddess_de_nocturne attacked ChazaBoy and did 223 damage.
> ChazaBoy is down!
> The battle has ended. Team 1 won!
> goddess_de_nocturne earns 94 points for the Villains in UrboWars

3K props, 548 posts

Ok you beat me this time but just wait

35K props, 4K posts

is trembling in my stilettos....

39K props, 8K posts

So i got a while now anyone wanna fight :D

35K props, 4K posts

"that is a great vitory for u hobbes, but remember we cant have only one winning battle againt a viallian ,but we need to win tonnes and by tonnes i mean more than us heroes can count"

Props on the win Hobbes...

*can't stop laughing*


Good thing you all have a goal of how high you can count and not by the spelling of the number.

Hope you beat tonnes of those evil types!

7K props, 1K posts

I like battles :D
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