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615 props, 432 posts

Not really a game but all you gotta do is add 1 dot to the number of dots the person above you did

Best way to do it is copy and paste then add 1 dot so ill go first

615 props, 432 posts

Ugh this is ruined.

5K props, 1K posts

yes it is u wanna start over?

615 props, 432 posts

No people would just ruin it again, and quite frankly nobody cares if they get dissed all you got to do is prop 1 person to get your props back.

5K props, 1K posts

ok what 2 do then?

615 props, 432 posts

get this locked

5K props, 1K posts


2K props, 198 posts


12K props, 1K posts


6K props, 2K posts


12K props, 1K posts


1K props, 1K posts


12K props, 1K posts


6K props, 2K posts


1K props, 1K posts


2K props, 2K posts

--------------------------------------------------------------- b-b;glghp-gn-==============================-------------------------

10K props, 2K posts


2K props, 2K posts


^ ^

10K props, 2K posts



715 props, 721 posts

0/1000 characters