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146K props, 22K posts

1. Past newbies celebrate their Urboversaries. *shivers violently*

15K props, 2K posts

when the days on your urb profile reaches the thousands ;o

vigilante pride

6K props, 2K posts

When you remember when you could train gear.

10K props, 661 posts

a lot online

95K props, 6K posts

when you remember the "ZOO". man that place had every thing! my favorite was the swamp creature!

28K props, 13K posts

When people where here.

95K props, 6K posts

when the recent sightings was full

28K props, 13K posts

When the Hustle Alliance and the Family actually were active.

95K props, 6K posts

when you remember the GoatFIst and Mayor DaMan battles

28K props, 13K posts

When the Burrito Maggo-Grande was one of the newer items.

95K props, 6K posts

the pizza boxes with roaches

28K props, 13K posts

When the Shwolf and B, Wereboy Events went on.

15K props, 2K posts

When dragus was a beatnik lol

28K props, 13K posts

When You remember I was a villain before I was a Beatnik

53K props, 6K posts

When osmeliio was a hero......( Don't ask why )

95K props, 6K posts

when you paid for a sticker and got a sidekick

44K props, 6K posts

When Urbowars was a thing

95K props, 6K posts

If you remember Corruption Inc.

141K props, 5K posts

remember the fruitcake lady? haha

28K props, 13K posts

If you remember the Cinco De Mayhem shenanigans.

95K props, 6K posts

if you remember the FRUITCAKE IT"SELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that thing was beyond EVIL!

*shivers and fall over*

45K props, 9K posts

when you remember being active when this thread was started

141K props, 5K posts

To remember you forgot Cinco De Mayhem... sorry was chilling at the coast... SUCKERS

95K props, 6K posts

when I'm swigging beer I don't care were I'm at.

when you remember the girls night out with the male dancers.

I bet sydney remembers the all the STONES falling out! HEHE

141K props, 5K posts

male dancers? More like a full on Mariachi Band... ha ha
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