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URB FAQ » Super Powers
  1. Backjump
  2. Boogie Finger
  3. Burnin Love
  4. Clean House
  5. Dude
  6. Evil Eye
  7. Filing Assault
  8. Fist of Furry
  9. Funk FU
  10. Funktification
  11. GoatFist Wrath
  12. Groove
  13. Ice Scream
  14. Icey You
  15. Jungle Rave
  16. Karma Chameleon
  17. Lethal Injection
  18. Muck You
  19. Multiplicity
  20. Power Blasts
  21. Righteous Indignation
  22. Rip Tide
  23. Shining Star!
  24. Space Out
  25. Super Duper Might
  26. Tribal Storm
  27. Trigger Thumb
  28. Uber-Stank
  29. Warp Drive
  30. Watt You Say
  31. Winning Smile
  32. Wreck n Roll
  1. Backjump

    Graffiti Sweetie uses incredible speed to paint circles around her opponents in a backjump move.

  2. Boogie Finger

    Strength: Control and manipulate movement, forcing funk as you see fit.

    Vulnerability: Earmuffs and Square Dancing are the only things that can block out this dope puppetry.

  3. Burnin Love

    Char can hurl molten blasts of fiery lava from her blistering hands, plus laser searing vision really heats up a conversation.

  4. Clean House

    Not only will they assault you with the vacuum, iron, and butt wipes, but after she's taken you down, she'll clean up after you and maybe plant some flowers too!

  5. Dude

    Sam seeks the power of the Dude, for power to strike down opponents

  6. Evil Eye

    Strength: Trance inducing Evil Eye stuns all opponents before the bull sting finishes them off.

    Vulnerability: Evil Eye can not penetrate hi-tech polarized sunglasses.

  7. Filing Assault

    Overwhelms evil doers with paperwork!

  8. Fist of Furry

    Strength: Anyone caught in the path of Furry Fury will be overcome with anger and rage. This nefarious mojo forces others to do his evil bidding.

    Vulnerability: Unknown

  9. Funk FU

    Strength: Crazy Mad Martial Arts skills

    Weakness: Crazy mad skills of fury eat a lot of energy, but 45 minutes later, he's ready to go again.

  10. Funktification

    Funktification description here

  11. GoatFist Wrath

    GoatFist Wrath

  12. Groove

    An impressive beat box beats back all evil. Plus, no one likes to get saliva on them.

  13. Ice Scream

    Strength: Freeze anything in your path then shatter it with Mohawk missiles.

    Vulnerability: Sweet love songs melt Arctic blasts and much time is spent getting hair so pointy.

  14. Icey You

    While Kelvin is great at making milkshakes, you don't want to be on the wrong end of this Urbo-ice storm. Instant freeze rays are nothing to sneeze at!

  15. Jungle Rave

    Strength: Animal morphing jungle power with tiger-style stalking, monkey flips, and cobra strikes!

    Vulnerability: Like her tiger cousin, this Jungle Kitty can not swim and is afraid of water.

  16. Karma Chameleon

    Karma Chameleon

  17. Lethal Injection

    DeBug paralyzes his enemies with a Lethal Injection

  18. Muck You

    Sludge takes you down with a tidal wave of seriously nasty funk topped with a load full of stanky sludge.

  19. Multiplicity

    Strength: With self cloning, super dexterity and mighty power, she can gang up on anyone all by herself.

    Vulnerability: Mega-pungent odors offend her super sensitive nose and copies are never as good as the original.

  20. Power Blasts

    A Henchling Power Blast!

  21. Righteous Indignation

    Bring down a verbal assault of 4,442,173,445 reasons why doing the wrong thing will never pay off!

  22. Rip Tide

    Strength: Pounding fists transform into mighty waves and can summon and control all the fury of the seas.

    Vulnerability: Neo-energy thwarts her ability to control Rip Tide fury.

  23. Shining Star!

    Oh no you didn't just do that!

  24. Space Out

    Strength: Freak out your opponents with mind reading and DNA manipulation.

    Vulnerability: Loud music cancels out mind reading brain waves.

  25. Super Duper Might

    Strength: Every mighty muscle has uncanny power and mega control.

    Vulnerability: Massive allergic reaction to daisies causes Super Duper sneeze fits.

  26. Tribal Storm

    Strength: Control the elements, plus burst of invisibility.

    Vulnerability: Terrible cat allergy makes for inopportune hurricane sneezes.

  27. Trigger Thumb

    Strength: Thumbs enable adjustable blasts of powerful neo-energy from every finger.

    Vulnerability: Cold weather shorts out blasts.

  28. Uber-Stank

    Strength: Torrid blasts of nastified stink break down buildings and obliterate opponents.

    Vulnerability: Keen intellect and tortured past make this Urbaniac highly vulnerable to telepathy.

  29. Warp Drive

    Strength: Time ripping speed and power packed turbo muscles.

    Vulnerability: An uncanny fear of eggs, especially poached eggs.

  30. Watt You Say

    Sparky can drain power from any electrical device and then throw it back at you with coursing pain! Robo-sidekicks beware!

  31. Winning Smile

    Strength: When Mayor DaMan flashes you those pearly whites, you can't help but be swayed by his charm. One glance from this mojo master is a sure cure for any evil, angry, or violent thoughts.

    Vulnerability: None

  32. Wreck n Roll

    Strength: Hotter than fire and cooler than ice, La Derby Doll lures her enemies in with her charms before she slams them with her combo speed & might.

    Weakness: Water and wheels... not a good combo.