Issue 9
Aug 27, 2005
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Issue 9 |
>> Top Stories GETTING A LEG UP ON MARRIED LIFE ![]() MANLY MAN, MAN HIKE FULL OF BOLONEY Amid protests from several Urbaniacs, including Sassy Jungle Kitty and Striking Viking Vixen, the annual Urbanville "Manly Man, Man Hike" kicked off this weekend. Super Speedy Dude, Terrible Erratic Bloke, Mighty Cowboy Guy and Afro-Liscious Funk Daddy headed off to the mountains of Urbanville for their yearly excursion. As usual, the testosterone was high but the practical joking was higher. "I've got nothing but Baloney in my mailbox! Pounds and pounds of Boloney!" said Mayor DaMan. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say this is the work of Terrible Erratic Bloke." Still no word on if next year's Manly Man, Man Hike will include females. For further details, see the related story in Trivia Royale >> Editorials WALK ON THE WILD SIDE JenQ Gossip Maven here. In a move which should leave Afro-Liscious Funk Daddy AND Mighty Cowboy Guy STUNNED, Sassy Jungle Kitty has been seen with new Urbaniac about town, Elephantic Gigantic Vigilantic. The two were spotted cozying up to each other after a significant beat down of some crankpot who calls himself Mr. Hater! Hater was quoted as saying "That's MISTER Hater to you… don't confuse me with that other Hater guy." Yours truly followed the rumored couple to a late night karaoke spot where Elephantic and Sassy were clearly feeling "the call of the wild." That's the dish… JenQ very much. |