Some people seem to be indecisive as to what side to be on? Will you fight evil? Or destroy all that is good? So, to help people along in their search of themselves, I have decided to expose the sides for what they are worth.
The good are protectors of the city, those looked up to by the civilians. They fight for justice, and all that is right and good. There is an obvious satisfaction knowing you are helping the world out, and the there is also the joy of throttling down those villains and henchlings! You have that good warm feeling inside, and that tingling sensation on your knuckle! Obviously, you must follow the strict rules of Good, and never stray sides. All of this is great, but the greatest is joining the HUSTLE alliance, with it's great leader Mr. Anderson. You get to prove yourself among heroes, take a leading role, and play a part in a great community. Not to mention you have the mayor on your side!!!
However, the evil lurk behind the corners, take delight in hiding, trickery, and scheming. They will throttle down heroes at every chance they get, and enjoy every precious second of it. You can choose to rule alone, or join the Family, or one of the lesser factions. You thrive on power, wealth, and self satisfaction. You destroy all those citizens, throttling hopes. And of course, you get to make your own... FAMOUS EVIL CACKLE!!!!!
How will you decide?