Vote or be Unfunkdified!
Hello gorgeous people of Urbanville!! I'm the Funk Mistress a.k.a. Afro_Chic a.k.a. Affy a.k.a. all right I'm tired of it too...and I'm here to tell you all about the 2nd Urbaniac Quarter Yearbook! That's right heroes, villains, beatniks, vigilantes, and nomads, we are looking for the BEST and you have the power to tell us who should win each category!
All you have to do is follow the link and vote by November 8th:
In the words of the man who changes his name as much as people change their socks:
Vote or be Unfunkdified!!
The Opera was a Gas!
Urbanville's social elite came out in full force yesterday to support the first ever Urbanville Opera. Everything was Super! The Hustle Alliance had collected over $700,000 Urbos for the Downtown Expansion Project to clean up Urbanville.
They were in the 2nd act and Mr. Anderson was on stage belting out a high B flat when it happened. There "he" was… a menacing looking fellow wearing a serape, sandals, a bullet belt, and surrounded by a green haze. He appeared out of nowhere standing on top of a tuba in the orchestra pit. Mr. Anderson took a mouthful right when he was catching his breath to attack his famous high C. When the green cloud finally dissipated all the money raised was gone and Mr. Anderson had a sour stomach to boot.
Mr. Anderson was quoted as saying, "Who would do such a dastardly thing? That was going to be my best note ever."
Is this the work of the notorious "Burrito Bandito "? Or maybe just the Arch Nemesis of Mr. Anderson. Who knows? Do you?
Prowling for Lost Kitty
Yesterday A Kitten Was Saved by a Super Funky hero but we couldn't ask him anything before he swung off in a super funky Fashion, If Anyone Has found a funky Supa hero, Holla at 134 Supa funk drive on Thursdays only.
Puncher Files #1
What happens when a Hero or villain leaves their side? how do you stop them if they're Super powerful? That's why I created the Puncher files to stop anything horrible from happening. So, for our first subject we have Puncherjoe
Age: 195 days
Gender: Male
Disposition: Hero
Known Identities: Puncherjoe, Joe Harmer, Joe Thunder, Pie man, Fax machine, Captain Wolf Lightning bolt
Powers:Super Speed, Cloning powers, Able to shoot electricity from fingers, Super Strong
Weaknesses: Twisted sense of Honor sometime gets in the way of stoping the henchlings, A beautiful Woman
Short Description: While it is unknown how I got all off my powers, heck I think I was born with some of them, it is known how I came to be Puncherjoe. At the time I was in school and working on a science project. while In science class, one of the students caused a small explosion of de-funk gas. Almost everyone was knocked out. I was coming back from the bathroom at the time. I saw the gas and I knew what I had to do, but I couldn't be seen doing it because of all the attention I would get afterwards. I ripped of a piece of my shirt and put it around my face. I took a cowboy hat from the teachers desk, and the puncher costume was born. I quickly opened a few windows to let the gas out into the outside air. Then, I found my way up to the roof, dragging along a few projects with me. I created some super tinker toy thing and stopped the gas from moving along farther then it should have. I saved the day and it felt goooooood! But, this is the story of the first adventure of Puncherjoe. I will never forget it. I am Puncherjoe because of this.