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Issue 41

Jul 2, 2006

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Issue 1

>> Top Stories
Celebrate Summer by Hooking up with Urbaniacs!
The summer is here (for many of us)! People are chillin' by the pool, soaking up the sun, and making sure to buy their daily Urbaniacs Lottery Ticket. If you are looking for a quick way to make a few extra Urbos… all you gotta do is hook up with Urbaniacs!

Do you have a MySpace, Friendster, or Tagworld account? How about your own web page? Whatever you've got, if you slap on a link to Urbaniacs I'm giving out 2000 Urbos for each link. Here's the 411:

Click on down to: Urbaniacs Banners


Show some pride by putting your own Urbopod up on your site. Please send all links to [email protected] with DaMan's Summer Hook Up in the title.

Have a great summer and…

Urb ON!

>> Editorials
Files of the UPD
It was midnight when two Urbanville Police Officers (Fauss and miki_blue) received a phone call from a blocked number. It sounded like the voice of evil! Fauss & miki_blue tried to track the call but it was too late. The horrifying message revealed "I am Henchling the Ripper. The most vile burper ever! Citizens beware, my burps will destroy you!" Both officers called for Back up. All units searched throughout the city for any evil smells, but they found nothing... except for Blast-Off Rocket Captain's laundry! So they called in some elite forces... officers-Elite_Dude,Puncherjoe and the C.G.U. all reported for doody... (erm scratch that, I meant) duty.

After a little investigation, Fauss and Miki_blue caught up with the commissioner of the Urbanville police.

"Now Commissioner, at the moment you have detectives and C.G.U. agents on stand by, how are are you treating the situation? Is this a prank call or the real deal?" Commissioner replied "Well I think this could be anything, it could be a couple of kids just playing around after some bad garlic, or this could be the real deal. Either way, we are treating this as seriously as any other vial burping incident."

"so under the pressure, what precautions have you made?" I asked. "We have our best detectives investigating and we have ongoing support from Jenny & Johnny Law."

Anyone out there who may know a thing or two about disgusting burps, please contact the nearest UPD station immediately. And beware of the belch!
Urbo Nabbed!
It was an ordinary day in Urbanville... Mayor DaMan was chillin' in his office... Suddenly, DaMan's mojo flared up with a feeling that something bad was about to go down. Checking his calendar, he realized The Army of Bad Heroes hasn't attacked in nearly 2 months. This was really strange because The Army of Bad Heroes usually attacks every other Wednesday. A strange noise interrupted Mayor DaMan's thoughts. It was his fax! And DaMan thought… "who uses faxes anymore anyway?"

On the paper was a picture of Lunar Moonbeam Princess surrounded by henchlings... The Army of Bad Heroes has kidnapped her!

DaMan needed to do something really fast. With some help from his Urbophone several brave homeys were in his office pronto!

"Why did you call us?" said Afro-liscious Funk Daddy. " What is it happening?" said Sassy Jungle Kitty.

"I get this fax 30 minutes ago!" said DaMan. "Who uses faxes anymore?" said Terrible Erratic Bloke. "I know!" responded DaMan. "We gottta help her!"

These brave heroes set off on a dangerous mission. Mayor DaMan was off to the rescue with his best crew. They knew they were in for a some hefty battles!

Blast-off Rocket Captain was totally freaked... the last time he saw Lunar they had a bit of a fight. He was hoping he'd have a chance to make it up to her… so his super duper might was working overtime!

Their fortress was a dark castle known in Urbanville as "The cursed place." In front of the fortress was a small group of Chars. DaMan woked them over with his Winning Smile! Now they needed to find Lunar and escape lickety split!

The castle was like a labyrinth. Lots of doors, several secret passage ways and NOT ONE funky disco room! BOOM! That's when they got assaulted by The Army of Bad Heroes. 200 chars,100 Sludges and 500 Henchlings. Talk about an unfair fight… That's why they call them The Army of Bad Heroes! Sassy Jungle Kitty came with a funky idea. "If we combine our funky powers, we could take 'em down in one Urbo blast! " URB ON!

And that's when Lunar kicked down the door and said "What's all the commotion about?" Blast-Off pooted up to her and gave her a big hug! Ruining a nice reunion moment, some new Henchlings started throwing exploding burritos at them.

BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMM. Wanting no part of a dyno-ritto, the brave Urbaniacs and DaMan escaped from the fortress. It it just goes to show, you don't mess with DaMan!