Wicked mad props and congratulations to Maggot who takes home the spectacular Homeboy Trophy and 25,000 Urbos with a stunning burrito infused hip hop rhyme in the March Freestyle Urbaniacs Rap Battle. Big props go out to Afro_Chic and Tempest for great raps as well, but they were caught downwind of Maggot's might and let me tell you, that is a place you do NOT want to be! Stay tuned for more rap battles coming soon.
Urb ON!
Heroes HUSTLE for Victory
By now, you have all heard of the evil arch-villain GoatFist. Rumor has it that he will be showing his face in Urbanville in very short time, bringing more evil henchlings than ever before.
Fear not good people of Urbanville! The H.U.S.T.L.E. Alliance has formed to protect the innocent, and fight the GoatFist with all his evil henchlings, and any other villainous Urbaniacs bent on stealing pies cooling in windows, stealing candy from children, and giving old ladies a rough time while they try to cross the street! The HUSTLE Alliance (HUSTLE = Heroic Urbaniacs Stompin the Little Evil-doers) is here to clean up our city, and will leave no stone unturned in our ongoing fight to protect the innocent and preserve the Urbaniac way of life!
A line has been drawn in the sands of Urbanville. Now is the time to choose, homeys. Any and all non-villainous Urbaniacs who wish to join the fellowship of heroic Urbaniacs in this epic battle for Urbanville are welcome! We stand with our super heroic Mayor_DaMan (the mystical mojo "Yo_da" Man himself) in making Urbanville the funkiest city on the planet, and a place where everyone can kick back and have a good time! If you wanna help then join us! We pound all evil Urbaniacs back into the sewers, while humming a funky beat! We are wisecrackin' while smackin' evil Urbaniacs back where they came from, you've found your home! Rejoice Urbaniacs! The HUSTLE Alliance has arrived!
Come to the Dark Side
Most of you know our FATHER the GoatFist is on his way to run thing here in our fair city. Therefore, listen up I am only saying this once. Train, Train, Train yourself everyday and be the best you can be when our FATHER arrives! Mojo is the key that will unlock the dark side that is hidden within us all!
We must be about recruitment and bringing every EVIL or undecided into the darkness. Look under every rock, sewer drain, back ally in Urbanville and get them into the "Villains Only" thread to sign on the doted line. Leave no burritos unturned! If you have, guts even ask Heros to come into the darkness. We need every man woman and child that can carry a burrito to be ready when arrives. The Goat will be hungry you know? FAMILY the GoatFist is counting on you! So get out and bring them in!
On a lighter note some of you may be wondering why you cannot see GoatFist's profile anymore more. Let me clear things up of you he was playing with Carveus the other day and she decided to have some TOMATO soup. Well things happen. Now GoatFist has gone up to the resort to, well lets just say you going to need more than a Super Power to hurt him now!