WHat Is Up?
Hello fellow Urbaniacs, it's me, your local Mayor, I.B. DaMan here! I wanted to say thanks for checking us out and also to tell you a little bit about some of the amazing things coming up. We're working on some really great games, unlike anything you've ever seen online before. We're also going to completely redo your hideout section with garages, pimped out cribs, avatar voting, and even a create-your-own theme song section. It's gonna ROCK! We're also going to have some fresh new battle scenes, a lot more gear, rides, characters, games, challenges, forums, cards, and MORE! We're working hard to make your world Fun, Funny, and Funky! As always, we welcome your comments. Have an Urbo-riffic day.
Urb ON!
Double Timed and Double Billed
Hot off the tabloids, Moocho Macho Hombre was recently spotted in an Urbanville eatery with Sassy Jungle Kitty . Moocho Macho Hombre said to Sassy Jungle Kitty that he needed to relieve himself, and promptly jumped out of the window, ran down the street (followed by this reporter) and jumped into another restaurant, where Lunar Moonbeam Princess was waiting for him . Moocho Macho Hombre ordered a lobster and Lunar ordered the soup . Moocho scarfed down his lobster and quickly excused himself to return to Sassy Jungle Kitty when who should appear in the doorway but none other than Sassy Jungle Kitty! CAUGHT!!! Not only did Moocha Macho Hombre have a bad case of indigestion, but he was also stiffed with both bills. Still there are some out there that say he got off easy.
See You Later Vader
"Wake up son." The sound of the Darth Vader's steady breaths could have woke him without him speaking.
"What do you want father?"
"I want you to know, Lukargo, that that accursed suit you ordered to be created is done. Don it if you wish but know that you are no longer considered my son.
"Not a concern to me father."
"Very well, but just know that you will never wield a red laser sword like me."
"Sure whatever.
As soon as Darth Vader turned and left the room, Lukargo quickly got up and got dressed. He then threw some gel on his thick purple spiked hair and walked down to the droid factory.
"My father told me you have finished the suit." Lukargo said to the nearest droid as he arrived.
"Oh yes." The droid began in a very electronic voice. "Just come this way."
The droid then led Lukargo down a long hallway and then stopped at a large blue door. They then entered and the droid pulled out the red and blue suit along with a purple mask for him to lay over his eyes. He put on the new suit as quick as possible. He noticed as soon as he did he lost all of his force abilities and began to learn new things such as how to use Ice Scream and Super Duper Might.
"Ah, you have done well droid."
"Thank you very much sir."
"Oh there is no need to call me sir. I am just a nomad now. My father no longer considers me his son and I know I will be erased from all records. I am sure I will find someplace to call home soon however."
"Yes Mr.Lukargo I am sure you will to."
Lukargo then strode out of the room only to turn around and again speak to the droid. "I have one last order for you. Will you do one last order for me?"
"Anything Lukargo, anything at all."
"Then tell the galaxy that there is a new hero in town called Lukargo the Terrible Rocket Captain."
The droid nodded it's mettalic head and then Lukargo turned around and walked into the sunset.