Ever since I began my life in Urbanville Tp prices have been slowly increasing as time passed by. Many citizens keep pointing fingers at each other, when nobody has fault. You see as a player gets older and stronger his/her demand for Tps will get higher. In other words, the stronger players would not be satisfied with their current stats, they would want more and more tps.
Demands for Tps are extremely high, but the supply of tps are really low. So those who actually win tps in battles have the liberty and power to set whatever amount for them, he/she knows that they can get away with setting a high prize for them because most of us are Tp hungry and we all desire them so much. So no one is responsible for the sky rocketing tps.
Here's a word heard from the City of Urbanville: "+5 I am now forced to pay 300k+ because of silly pricess and double if +10. Tp's used to be 100k and the system worked, (It was better, for everyone) Now it is a challenge for Urbs to get far... Please people think about lowering prices. When will the prices go down? or are we just going to let them keep going up???"
Well unknown person, chances are that Tps will never be 100k anymore. My predictions are that we will be paying over 1 mil for one +5 and we will just have to deal with it or not buy them. Like I stated before people are not just going to stop buying them, they want to get stronger and since Tps aren't available all the time, it's hard to get your hands on them, and when you do, you will either use the Tp or sell it.
Chances are you would want to make a quick buck and charge whatever you feel like charging because you know people would buy them, no matter how crazy the price.