>> Top Stories Putting the "P" in Super Super Speedy Dude chugged a big glass of water right before drifting off to sleep. In the middle of the night, he was startled awake by the sound of someone rummaging through his secret hideout. At first he thought it was one of those pesky Henchlings sent by GoatFist. But then he wondered… "why would they break into my secret hideout at this hour!?" He rounded a corner and to his amazement, he saw a simple black cat had jumped through an open window and was so frightened to see this massive super hero, it ran through his legs and out the door. "I guess I better start closing my windows", he exclaimed. So back off to bed... after of course, he went to the bathroom! Heroes Wanted! Benefits Included Crime has run a muck here in Urbanville. And the citizens are not to pleased. Old ladies hand bags being stolen, candy taken from babies, and even the local park has been the site of a ghastly moonings by hoodlums. Urvanville needs help.
Fortunately Mayor DaMan has taken a progressive step forward to fight this dark element. Due to the millions of voicemails his secretary is taking, Mayor DaMan has opened hundreds if not thousands of spots for Heroes to combat crime and just plain old meanness.
"What hero wouldn't want workers comp or a health plan. Being a hero is hard work and those nicks and bruises add up." The more dangerous missions you take the more coverage you can get.
Punishment for Mutiny Listen UP Villains of Urbanville. This morning there was a big Throw Down between Cold_Blooded and former O.C.C. member cjl. Cjl has committed mutiny against all of us in the OCC! There will be no trial for cjl to defend himself. "I AM the trial," said Cold_Blooded furiously! Other OCC members will think twice before committing mutiny to the OCC!
Those of you who think this punishment is harsh, you know what they say about villains… we're evil!