So me and UltraUrb are about to go underground where armand_hammer, spaz, and magic_shodow were having a rap battle.. Since am not a good rapper I wanted to pay armand for some lessons. If he didn't give it to me i would have to force it out of him..
Ultra: os, this is a long walk you wanna stop by Speedy's Java Hut..
os: sure bro, you're always eating bro, you're gonna turn as fat as the mayor.
As we turned the corner we heard Urbrey talking smack on the villains with SilverFlame.
Urbrey: Stupid villains, stupid Cinco de Mayhem, stupid minions, stupid MOD.
Silver: Hmm thats a lot of stupids hahaha, ok bro I gotta go, I have to hit the gym with Zoomer. He's gonna teach me some good techniques and good workouts cya later.
Urbrey: Cya, ohh I have to go submit this chronicle in, this would get me a giant trophy to put in my lair..
As Urbrey turns the corner, UU takes a bag and puts it over Urbrey's head and I start to take some body shots till I knock him out..
os: Yo let's take him to my crib
uu: Sure thing bro
uu and I are inside my crib we are slapping and punching Urbrey just for fun..
os: So you like to talk smack on us villains, huh?
uu: Haha you go os, yo ama be right back I have to get rack to come see this
os: Ok
I was searching urbrey for some urbos or some gear but that broke sun of a gun had nothing on him except a paper which said "VERY IMPORTANT ARTICLE " I take it and start to read "Blah blah the heroes blah blah." Hmm this last part caught my attention.. I'll have to keep this..
os: Urbrey is your friend, inside scoop, gonna come rescue you?
os: Hmm that's not gonna help you get out.
rack and uu come in
os: I got an idea why don't we keep Urbrey here and ask for some urbos in return... hmmm good idea huh?
rack: and ask them for some beers
As rack, uu, and I leave we make sure we locked all the doors and windows....
TO BE CONTINUED....................