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Issue 162

May 31, 2011

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Issue 1

>> Editorials
Business As Usual

The Prom is over and the Urbanvilla Hotel Grand Ballroom will never be the same.  From my calculations, 58 super power training passes were given out over the course of the event.  That's 290 points.  Not counting the two that were given out to the King and Queen, bringing the grand total to 340 super power points going out for prom.  Congratulations to altergut and nina44 for becoming royalty.

Also, I've heard a rumor that the formal gear in the shops will be going out of style soon.  If you were fancying changing your image, do it quickly before the fabulous fashion retires.

In this issue we have interesting insights from nina44, one of our younger players.  Osmeliio works on recruitment.  That's one dedicated villain!  Jay_Rawker states some facts of our times, with a humorous article and his Rawk Squawk.  And Love_Child makes her astrological predictions.  Let's see how it all turns out.


So you think you are cut out to be a villain?
Then why not prove yourself?
If you want to join us, post a application by either posting it in the villains thread or gramming either me or ultraurb.

If accepted by ANY council member, you will join the Minions.

And remember if you wanna be a villain, cause mayhem, get into mean character and most of all DESTROY THEM USELESS ZEROES...


You Don't Say?!?

Getting over 1,000,000 urbos from the bank interest alone! Spending an average of 500k every 3 or 4 days. Give a month or two, the money pulled in from the banks interest gets bigger! CHA CHING!$$$$$ How much will it be in a year, two, maybe 3? SERIOUS CASH! $!$!$!

Items at Funks Depot don't go over 1,000,000 Urbos! Will the prices change? Lower? Higher? You don't say!?!?..........................

Is there any poor Urb out there? Maybe not. You don't say?

Urbos here, Urbos there! CRAZY TRANSACTIONS! A head for over 200,000,000 Urbos! a leg for for 150,000,000! Yes I do Say!

This has been the truth, the only truth, and nothing but the truth! You don't Say?!?


Rawk Squawk

This week's question is what people do everyday. What's their routine? How do they play? It's a question with common answers. Lets compare!

"Daily routine: Log in, train, collect interest, check messages (should i have time) , prop who ever i see on the recent list, battle, post, battle, post, battle, post..... nuff said. :P" - Mantis

"Yes I do the daily urbaniac routine, everyday, but I wish there were new features to this routine." -Super_Flyy

"To be honest, i don't do daily routines daily. I just log onto urb and then log off in 10mins. " - King_Fighter

"First i train, and then go straight to the lottery, i then go to the bank and collect my interest. After that i check if any forums have been posted for me to read then i play wedgie toss for a few minuits." - Jodie1995

"Come on mid-day, do dailies (train collect intrest, lottery), check forums, respond to grams, battle, play few games, chat and leave after bout an hour."- Armand_Hammer

Looks like the basic routine is train and daily interest collection. Pretty exciting right? Send me your opinions!

June Urbstrology

This month brings with it a sense of dissatisfaction, especially in the first week when people are likely to be confused in their thinking. Perhaps this has something to do with Cinco de Mayhem extending beyond its traditional month of May.

In the days surrounding the 10th when Venus squares Neptune, people will be longing for true love; a sense of having a significant bond with another person. Why this brings to mind the question of whether Johnny and Jenny Law are married, or siblings, I don't know.

With Saturn going direct in Libra on the 13th, events will transpire to teach us how to deal with our primary relationships in order to bring about the results we want. So in other words, be nice to your sidekicks even if they don't do much these days.

The moon wobble on the 14th will cause things to go haywire a week before and after. It will be easy to jump to conclusions and act impulsively to disastrous results. Don't make life altering decisions until after the 18th. Put off that total body transplant until your mental state is more stable.

Mars squares Neptune on the 22nd which will trigger a yearning to live your ideal life, or champion a cause close to your heart. At this stage, you may still be confused regarding how to go about it. Not to worry, though, as this is just the push you need to get you started down the path. Hopefully part of living your ideal life is to write more for the Chronicles, or draw more for the Gallery...

The day of the new moon is a power day which give emphasis to things wished on that day. Write down no more than ten wishes on a piece of paper to give them a boost. Since the new moon is in the sign of Gemini, stick to the themes of siblings, information, communication, transportation, study, teaching and writing. The most effective days to compile your wishes are the 1st and 2nd, but it's really never too late.

>> Top Stories

Villains wanted to attack heroes but the villains always lost the battles to heroes because the heroes were stronger than the villains.  One day the villains went to the heroes and tried to attack the heroes but the villans still lost.  So the villains want to get revenge and try to attack the heroes, but the heroes still won and the villans still lost every battle with the heroes.  

The villains got tired of losing every battle so one day the villains built a giant robot and got in the robot and started to attack the heroes but the heroes destroyed the giant robot and the villains lost again like every day the villains try to battle the heroes.

But then one day the villains went to the heroes and tricked the heroes by saying "We give up and we want to become heroes."

The heroes trusted them.  Then the next day the villains stole the heroes' weapons and attacked the heroes.  The heroes tried to attack the villains but the heroes couldn't do anything because the heroes' weapons which the villains stole were too powerful for the heroes to attack the villains.  The heroes got mad and destryed their own weapons and sent the villains to jail for 40 years!!!!

>> Sports

When you battle and everyone you invited has to be there, so you click the letter that says start. You click it and you start battling with the enemies and if you win the battle you win some urbos.

You can only battle if there are letters saying "take em on" and on the other it says "run away". So if you don't wanna battle, click "run away". But if you want to battle, click "take em on."

So then where there is a skinny box you invite the people you want to battle with you!!!!!!!!!!