Zoomer, being himself is in the gym, building himself up as usual. I sit down in a seat as he hits the weights, the room smells like my Aunt Betty, Ghastly, Gah.
*Gets out Notepad*
I_S: Hello Zoomer, how are you on this... ugh, sweaty day?
Zoomer: I'm BUFF thanks and you? Just kidding, I'm fine, thanks for asking, although I had a little problem with one of the barbells earlier. I bent it.
I_S: Now you have around 600 forum posts, but 120,000 props, how do you do it?
Zoomer: I try to treat everyone nicely and try to answer every prop I get. Also, I don't take myself too seriously. When that fails, I just flex the guns a little and flash what I assume is a charming smile. See? (smiles)
*Goes and props Zoomer about 10 times...* - I’m waiting for them back.
I_S: You seem like a very popular character on Urbaniacs, why do you think this?
Zoomer: Well if you treat other urbs with respect and a little humour, it's easy. Being fair and honest doesn't hurt either, I'll have to try that (winks).
I_S: You're the strongest Civilian Urbaniac going, how did you become so strong?
Zoomer: Well, I've had the help of almost every urb that has ever listed a TP in the Swap Meet. I think I've bought 60% of all the TPs ever listed. You must remember that I was around before the Swap Meet existed, so I had saved up alot. When it came on I started buying. It also helps to have a charge card.
I_S: You're also a awesome trader, well as many say 'Zoomer said it is worth...', so is there any trading tips you can give anyone?
Zoomer: Buy low and sell not too high. It's better to make a small profit many times than a big profit once. You want customers to return. If you give fair prices it works out.
I_S: Fancy giving me a sweet deal on anything? *Places a 20 urbo note under zoomers water bottle*
Zoomer: Possibly. (takes water bottle and the 20) What are you looking for? (sits on the bench press)
I_S: Well I'm after, *whispers something*
Zoomer: Sure, I'll sort something out for you!
I_S: What Urb would you want to see return? And why?
Zoomer: :( Gets a sad wistful smile) Ah well, the urb I'd like to see back, can't be back since he's passed on. Maggot was his name. He was the nicest funkiest person I've ever met. He never took himself seriously but he was serious about his friendships. He took care of me when I was a newbie. Bless him. Sorry, I got a little misty eyed there. What do you want to know next?
I_S: Now out of all the gear, weapons and sidekicks which is your favourite?
Zoomer: *jumps up from the bench and in one fluid motion whips out [Don't Go There....] his URBORANG* This is my favourite! It was given to me by the Mayor himself. It was for....well, let's say that I was in the right place at the right time. If I told you the facts, I'd have to kill you and that would be messy. *Zoomer breaks into a smile and winks*
I_S: Well thanks for the interview Zoomer, enjoy the rest of your work out!
Zoomer: Nice talking with you Scoop
*I leave Zoomer to his beloved weights*
Zoomer, is such a nice person to interview... even though he has too much muscle!
*I walk out of the gym, and head on down to the Chronicles office, just about to type up my interview, when suddenly.... WHACKKKKK!!*
TBC – Osmeliio Interview.