Come one, come all, to the next installment of the Urbaniacs FREESTYLE RAP BATTLE. Taking place now in the FREESTYLE section of the FORUMS. Once again the coveted Homeboy Trophy and 5,000 Urbos are on the line. Last month's winner Dudeman has already posted his entry and the competition is shaping up to be rock solid once again! So, click on over to the forum to enter your very own rap (10 line limit) or if you don't think you're up to the task, why not check out the competition and vote for your favorite Urbaniac.
Go on... Get your Urb ON!
Dear Whirly,
Please help! I fear that I’m becoming allergic to being a hero! Every time I change out of my alter ego, I break out into a very itchy rash. It’s getting so bad that I dread helping citizens because I know I will be the one to suffer in the end. C'mon… HELP!
Signed The Wooly Beehive
Dear Scratchy,
Don’t fret. While an allergy to crime-fighting does exist, it is extremely rare. The symptoms of Itchytightis include itchy purple spots, uncontrollable hair growth, and in extreme cases, swollen parts. I’d be willing to bet that your rash is being caused by the detergent you use to wash your gear. Try using the hypo-allergenic Urbo-tergent and you’ll feel better in no time!
1 Lone Urbaniac
JenQ gossip maven here. I've gone around Urbanville taking an independent survey and here's something interesting I thought YOU would like to know. 99 out of 100 Urbaniacs surveyed prefer to be the Tosser in Wedgie Toss. Not so surprising, BUT that means that every one out of one hundred Urbaniacs would prefer to GET a wedgie than to GIVE one. What you do with that information is your own business.
That's the dish. JenQ very much!