Issue 10
Aug 27, 2005
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Got an Urbaniac story, comic strip or anything else newsworthy or funny? Issues
Issue 10 |
>> Editorials LETTERS FROM THE UNDERWHIRL'D Hello Urbanville, SuperWhirl here... Upon reading the latest edition of "The Chronicles", I realized something was missing… ME! So, I approached Mayor DaMan about getting my own advice column and wouldn't you know it, he took my advice… AND YOU SHOULD TOO! My philosophy is simple: just because we are Heroes, Villains, Nomads, or whatever… it doesn’t mean we don’t have issues! Mayor says if you write in with questions, dilemmas, problems, quandaries, or any old idea that needs an expert opinion, he'd forward them on to me and publish it. So what are you waiting for!? WRITE IN! Are you a high-flying Hombre who’s afraid of heights or a Vixen who’d rather wear jeans than tights? Whatever problems you have—big or small—SuperWhirl can help you. Go on, email your dilemma to [email protected] and my expert advice will be whirling your way in no time! Urbo Throw Down JenQ Gossip Maven here. Life in Urbanville has been a hotbed of excitement of late. It seems the challenges have EVERYBODY hopping faster than a rabid ferret on a pogo stick! What in the world a rabid ferret would need with a pogo stick is beyond me, so don't even ask. Back to the DISH, with all the challenges being bandied about, Mighty Cowboy Guy has officially thrown down the gauntlet… to none other than Elephantic Gigantic Vigilantic! No Urbos in this prize, it's all about the kitty… Sassy Jungle Kitty, that is! Mighty Cowboy Guy issued the challenge via an UrboGram late Saturday evening. No response yet from Elephantic Gigantic Vigilantic… now this is what I call JUICY. Stay tuned for more. That's the dish, JenQ very much. >> Top Stories RAP CONTEST KICKS OFF You asked for it, you got it! It's the Urbaniacs Rap Battle: Live and kickin' in the Freestyle Rap Forum. Wanna be a famous rapper, or just look like one? Well bring it! This is THE premiere rap battle contest to be judged by none other than me… Mayor DaMan. ROUND 1 is already under way and will end on Sunday, September 18, 2005. That's when I'll announce my choice for the 2 semifinalists who will go head to head in a 1 week rap battle! What's on the line? Winner takes home the first ever Rap Battle TROPHY and 5,000 Urbos!!! The rules are simple: 1 rap post per Urbaniac No cusses No biting Bring IT! |