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Daily NewsSep 16, 2019

Urbanville Lottery

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Newest Urbanaics

The Urbaniacs of TodayAug 7, 2019

Welcome to Urbanville, a once thriving city turned ghost town perched on a foundation of obsolete code.  The only thing still standing seems to be the Forums, but we don't know for how much longer.  The founders have long since walked away and the new Mayor is content to leave things as they are.  Well, some of the die hard players who remember the culturally rich Golden Age of the site still kick it in the Forums.  Sometimes an Urb icon will drop in and give us an update on their lives.  Sometimes new players will pop up to post a rap.  We're really not sure why they're actually signing up, but it's kind of amusing to watch them.  The spambots have taken to making homey and arch-nemesis requests.  Are they even bothering to advertise in the Forums anymore?  They sense that there is no profit to be made here.


Players of the bygone ages, feel free to give us your news in The Lounge.  New players, what are you doing here?  And current Urbs, you all rock.

Happy Holidays!Dec 14, 2014
Go ahead a grab yourself some holiday apparel at Funk's Depot!

A new issue of The Chronicles is out! go check that out! Don't forget to read the article about sending your letters to Santa!

Submit to "Holiday Contest" to receive better and bigger gifts!

Halloween Contest!Oct 29, 2014
Creep on over to The Lounge to read all about this! Great chance to scare your enemies! Happy Halloween!
Have a Funky Valentine's Day!Feb 14, 2014
No really, go spend it at Funk's where you can shop for the latest in love related gear. Thanks to glowstik for the jackets that won't still your beating hearts!
Urbaniacs Games
Wedgie Toss

Wedgie Toss

High Score : 439 (essien_1)

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Vicious Flip Out

Vicious Flip Out

High Score : 115,604,970 (superniceguy)

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Smell My Fart

Smell My Fart

High Score : 7,191 (pedi)

Signup for an account to beat that score!

Urbaniacs Games
Let It Ride
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